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What Is The No 1 Success Book

You Should Read?

I don’t remember a time I’ve done any motivational presentation to my sales stuff where I haven’t had at least one person come up to me, move in pretty close, lean into me a little, and in an almost secretive whisper ask, " what’s the ONE book I should read for success? What’sTHE BEST success book?

And it always makes me chuckle a bit because I have literally thousands of Great Success Books out there and when I think about which one of these books I’d recommend, the answer is…


See, I learned a long time ago about something called the “law of the lid”. And basically what that means is, you can only grow to the capacity of your mind and mindset. So in order to create massive success, you have to expand the capacity of your mind with the RIGHT kind of information. Personal growth stuff to be specific.

And if you’re not reading AT LEAST 1 book a month, any success you do manage to create will be short lived and fizzle out.

So what’s THE best success book of ALL success books? ALL success books are THEbest success book!

And just to simplify which book is the best success book, the answer is all of them!

You see where I’m going here?

And like I said, I read a lot and I’ve put together some lists of the best success books in different categories. You should have enough here to expand that lid to many new levels and yes, I really do recommend ALL of these books:

If you’re having a hard time choosing where to start, just spin the wheel or flip a coin and where ever it lands, start there because when it comes to great books on success… 

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 To your Success

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I hope you have An Awesome Day Too :) 


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